Hello friends! My name is Dani. I'm a globe-trotting tripod and I bring to my new home a world of love. I've been a family boy since I was a little kitten. I love my people and my animal friends. I can't wait to go home again.
I have quite a story. When I was no more than an exceptionally small fur ball I was found on the streets of Pristina, Kosovo by an American embassy employee. I had an injured leg. A local kind Samaritan had obviously tried to help me because I had an old bandage on my leg. My new American friend brought me to a veterinarian in Skopje, Macedonia. There the vet examined me and said nothing was wrong. He placed my leg in a cast but it didn't heal.
I found myself on a flight to Virginia in the United States where a life saving group called King Street Cats welcomed one tiny, limping little Dani into their family. That explains my global experience. I've had the fortune to meet caring people who wanted the best for me in three countries!
Once I was with KSC, I was examined thoroughly by a veterinarian who found extensive and irreversible nerve damage to my leg. The decision was made to amputate it. That's how I became a "tripod," or a three-legged kitty. If you've never known a tripod, you are in for a treat. I am a fleet footed as any of my furry friends!
Shortly thereafter I was adopted and I spent the next six years being a family oriented love bug. I was a happy boy in that setting; it suited me well. Recent changes in my family make it necessary to find a new forever home. KSC welcomed me back and I'm here telling all my volunteer friends that while I love them very much I belong in my own home with my own humans.
I'm six (6) years old as of 2018 and one handsome gent dressed in short, soft jet black and snowy white fur. As you can see, there is a lot of me to love. My KSC friends are helping me lose weight slowly and safely. This is would be very important even if I had all four paws - but it's even more important since I have to balance my weight on three legs.
I'll need you to help me to achieve my weight loss goal. This means feeding me high quality, high protein and grain free food (commercially available) and following a veterinarian's portion guidelines carefully - it's essential that I not lose weight too rapidly because that can harm me. It'll also help if you keep me busy and encourage me to play and be active. I love other animals. Playful exercise is so good for me - but you may need to work out a feeding arrangement where I don't have access to their leftovers.
Now for my wonder purrsonality! I'm a love bug. I'm a lap warmer. I'm an affectionate, mellow boy who's a pleasure to have around. I will bring a world of happiness into your home.
PLEASE come to meet me - I want to go home more than anything and I've got everything good to offer my new family. It's easy to get this ball rolling: send an email to and ask for me, Dani. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Affectionately yours,