Rainbow Bridge, Until we meet again...
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,

Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.

Where the friends of man and woman do run,

When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,

Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.

On this golden land, they wait and they play,

Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,

For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.

Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,

Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,

Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.

All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,

Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;

Together again, both person and pet.

So they run to each other, these friends from long past,

The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,

Has turned into joy once more in each heart.

They embrace with a love that will last forever,

And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

©1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky
All Rights Reserved
Reposted by Permission
If you are looking for a thoughtful way to celebrate the life of a beloved pet, please consider making a gift to King Street Cats in their memory. Your donations will help King Street Cats rescue more cats and kittens in need.

Click on the Purple Paw and please note who your donation is in memory of. We will send a condolences card if you email us the relevant contact information.

Please email us a photograph and short message and we will add it here.


This is Abigail. She was Annie when we adopted her in January 2005 and when KSC was located on King Street. Sadly, today is the 1 year after we had to send over the Rainbow Bridge. She was a diva!


Archie (aka Kittywinny)

Archie passed away on Boxing Day 2021 at 11 years of age. While I don’t know much about his first 7.5 years as Kittywinny, I know I was asked to foster him in Sept 2018 due to his complicated health issues and tendency to use his fangs on volunteers :). That first night, I knew he was my orange man to love and adore.
Archie loved sleeping with his face burrowed into my hand or a blanket, was a regular zoom attendee during my work meetings, and enjoyed lazy days napping next to his little brother (and fellow KSC alum) Kipper. While his health struggles ultimately were too much for Archie, he was clearly a confident cat who knew he was loved and understood. Thank you for knowing he and I were perfect for one another.



Dear sweet Ash crossed the rainbow bridge January 16, 2017. He came to King Street Cats in May so ill his survival was very much in doubt. Wonderful people worked tirelessly to help him. He came home with me in June and quickly became part of the family. Sweet, easy going, and just happy for a soft bed and full food dish. He had a very difficult life that included being shot. While we might not have been able to overcome all the awfulness he experienced, we sure went a long way towards making up for it. Will miss his sneezes, gravelly meow and rumbly purr. He deserved so much better....



Baby Morrison-Ricordati

In 2005, Baby was a young (and chubby) tuxedo mama with four out of control kittens, waiting for her human (who loved her instantly and on first sight at King Street Cats).

Baby had a beautiful face, some very expensive teeth, razor sharp claws and an ability to night snuggle like nobody else. She loved catnip, head pets, playing pok-pok (repeatedly and loudly knocking the lamp pulls; best done between midnight and 3am), eating temptations cat treats and taking an occasional whap at Freddy (another in the furry fam). In her little body, Baby had lots of love, kindness and a calm that could cure the worst human day.

Baby passed from complications of hyperthyroidism on August 22, 2018 and is survived by her housemates, Freddy, Caterpillar, and Tuxie (also from King Street Cats), along with her humans, Anna, Ray and Jasper. She is, and will continue to be, greatly missed.


Bahn Mi

Today we had to say goodbye to Bahn Mi. She had been fading away for sometime and today she just never woke up. I rescued her 9 years ago, and she was quite the quirky feline. She fell for my daughter Audry and my husband Denny, but I was just “staff” (unless I had been gone for a week). Jake tried to be her buddy, but she only tolerated him from a distance.

I believe I gave her a happy, spoiled home and made these last 9 years for her happy ones. She will be missed.

Barry White

Barry White

Born in Bosnia and transported to the DC area by his first owner, Barry White (previously known as Lefty) was a deaf, large, chatty, affectionate, sassy, sweet, Turkish Angora who came to King Street Cats via Animal Welfare League of Alexandria in June 2012. Barry passed away on January 26, 2023 after many happy years of naps and cuddles, and shortly after the passing of his beloved boxer sister, Stella. Our world won't be as sunny without him. We are eternally grateful to both AWLA and KSC for saving Barry and for matching us with him. We'll never forget the moment Viven said: I have just the cat for you. 



Beni crossed the Rainbow Bridge January 29, 2016. When I first adopted him we thought he was 15 turned out he was closer to 18.

I adopted Beni in September 2015 last night. He had multiple issues and we didn't think he had long to live and we wanted him to have a forever home for however long his forever was. I don't know how this precious soul ended up dumped in a shelter where they thankfully called King Street Cats to save his life. I do know he didn't deserve to be treated so poorly. First they declawed him then they abandoned him. You don't get a pet of any kind and use the word until. The word is always. The word is forever. Beni was an exceptional soul and he was cared for, comfortable and loved always...forever.



Biskitz was a big, handsome cat with lots of stripes and really pronounced eye liner. He looked tough but he was a sweetheart. He liked to wrestle and box with his brother Smokey. He liked to sleep with his front paws sprawled out. He liked to look out the window. He really liked to eat. On weekends, when his breakfast tended to be served later than on weekdays, he would wake up one of his people early if he had waited long enough. We miss Mr Biskitz.


Bowie (formerly Bo Duke)

We adopted our big baby Bowie from a KSC foster home (thank you, Carin!) on February 21, 2016.

Several months after being diagnosed with a glioma, he crossed the rainbow bridge on July 11, 2024.

Bowie was a shy kitty and spent his first days with us hiding in the bathroom, but he learned to trust us and his feline brother Arthur and blossomed into a very sweet boy.

Bowie was a beautiful orange tabby tuxedo cat, and he had the most beautiful golden eyes.

Bowie loved eating, sunbathing, hiding under the bed, sleeping in his bed crocheted by KSC volunteers, belly rubs, birdwatching, and playing.

Bowie would bring his favorite toy, Wormy, from room to room in his mouth.

He developed a very special bond with his cat mom and would snuggle in her lap every night.

Bowie was a kitten at heart, and our goofy, brave boy was taken from us far too soon.

Bowie, we’ll love you forever.
It’s not long enough, but it’s a good start.

Colleen, Will, and Arthur



Buddy was loved by everyone who met him. He was described as “a ham”, and would greet anyone who came to the house with a meow and a rub against their legs. He loved playing with his doggie sister, Bella, his crinkle balls, lying in his tree in the sunshine, and sleeping on laps.

Buddy was the first cat that I had on my own, having grown up with many throughout my childhood. I knew the moment that I met him that he was my boy, and had hoped we would have many years to share together. Sadly, that was not to be, but the short time we had was filled with so much love and joy. I miss the way he would greet me when I came home, the way he lay in my arms with his head against my chest, and the way he slept above my head on my pillow at night. Most of all I miss him, and I hope he knew how loved and cherished he is and was.

Buddy (2024)

Buddy Bralove

Beautiful sweet Buddy passed over the Rainbow Bridge Wednesday May 22 2024 more than five years after I found him as a senior cat with you at King Street Cats.

He was a gentle and loving boy who brought me great joy. I will miss him so much and will cherish his memory forever.

Thank you for bringing him to my care and for the love we shared.



Calpurrnia (formerly Vivian)

We were sad to say goodbye to our sweet Calpurrnia (formerly Vivian) in June 2023. After taking time to gain her confidence, she became the benevolent queen of the house, reigning over the couch and our laps and keeping watch over the birds, squirrels, and neighbors from the big bay window. Our snugglebug followed (herded) us around the house and always had time for face-brushes, playing with her toy mice, and cuddling in front of the television. However, her little body finally gave way to kidney failure, but still beside us to the end.

When we adopted an FIV+ cat with chronic congestion, we knew that our time together may be shorter, but it turns out forever wouldn't have been long enough. Thank you King Street Cats for rescuing her so that she could bring so much love and joy to our home for almost five years. Calpurrnia may not be cuddling on our laps anymore, but she will be snuggling in our hearts forever - THE BEST CAT ever for these first-time cat stewards.



This is Campbell, who was named Frida while at King Street Cats. (She was one of the 2014 “Artist Kittens.”) Campbell and her sister joined our family in March 2015. Campbell had love and purrs for everyone she met. She greeted our friends and made them feel welcome. She would chat with the birds that visited our windowsills. Even during her fight with lymphoma, Campbell would nuzzle us, her doctors, and the other pets in the animal hospital. She wanted everyone to feel comfort and love. Our hearts will always belong to our vibrant girl. She was only two when she passed in September 2016. –Patrick & Karen



In loving memory of Cheshire.
“When the cat you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”
– Anonymous



Chessie crossed Rainbow Bridge August 21, 2020. I had been fostering her and her sister Mira for approximately 2 years after they were returned to KSC by a member of their original adoptive family. She was 11 years old and quite spicy with a healthy appetite and very talkative. Instead of a meow she would shout "Ack" to let me know that she was hungry, wanted attention, or to signal that it was bedtime for all of us! She came to me very frightened and developed health challenges, I believe, resulting from neglect in her previous home. Over our time together, we developed a loving relationship where I understood that I was the servant and she was the queen. Mira and I continue to miss her but are so grateful she shared our lives.



King Street Cats' first rescue and guardian mascot, Chester, lived for eleven years at the Unique Shop located below the orphanage's first home. He became an Old Town "landmark" and was visited by thousands of friends and fans over the years. Chester passed away from cancer in the spring of 2004 and is deeply missed by his extended community.


Chester Bester

About 15 years ago, we rescued Chester. He was my best buddy. He was Meg’s best friend for many years. A gentle, loving, patient little old man…just a love. Thank you, Chester Bester…. missing you this morning.

---Eunice and Meg



Chloe Smith was adopted from King Street Cats in September 2009 when her future pet parents (Amy and Russ) walked into KSC and she crawled into Russ's lap. She was the sweetest, most loving and affectionate cat anyone could ever wish for. In January 2016 she was diagnosed with early to mid-stage CRF, and she battled bravely to live life with her family until her little body finally caught up with her willpower and she left us on February 26, 2017.

Amy and Russ want the world to know how grateful they are to King Street Cats for saving Chloe in 2009 on her last day she was allowed to live at a local public shelter and bringing her to KSC, where they found her and adopted her a week later. We hope her memory lives on as one of the many cherished adoptees from KSC.



Cleo crossed the rainbow bridge April 11, 2016. She was so very ill. Before she passed I held her in my arms wrapped in her favorite fleece. She was still and so peace and knowing she was loved. This picture is how I will always think of her....sleeping in a sunspot. It was a privilege to give her a home for her last little time.



I got Crackers from King Street Cats in Summer 2019. I swore I would not get this first cat I looked at, but he got me to break my promise. He didn’t get along with other cats, and needed some dental work, which was causing him a lot of pain, and had a lot of trouble getting adopted. He struck me as very lonely.

He turned out to be the just about the best thing that ever happened to me. He was so smart, sweet, and empathetic, and turned out to be my pandemic lifeline. He charmed everyone he met in person and via Zoom. He had the loudest purr I ever had, and so many different vocalizations. The only thing he was ever demanding about was being near me. He was better than anything I had hoped for when I adopted.

His health rapidly went downhill this fall, and I had to let him go. As hard as it is, he went free of fear and knowing he was loved. Love you, Crackers.




This is Daisy. She was adopted from KSC in March of 2009 alongside her sister Lucy. She was functionally “Princess” of the household. Only at very particular foods, from a VERY particular dish in a VERY particular position of the food on the bowl. She was equally treated as a Princess with lots of love an affection that she likewise reciprocated with and always stood watch from atop her cat towers.

We lost her on 5/26/2018 to cancer and look forward to our reunion with her alongside her sister across the Rainbow Bridge.

Denise Marie

Denise Marie

With deep sadness and a heavy heart, I announce the passing of my fur baby Denise Marie from cancer. She was affectionately known as Niecy Marie. Following the passing of fur baby Sebastian of 14 years, I swore I would never get another kitty. Two years later, I saw an advertisement for this beautiful Tabby senior kitty who needed a home, and I felt compelled to see her; it was a wrap. I knew she had preexisting health conditions, cancer, but I was unfazed.

Over the past two years, we enjoyed one another’s company. She sunbathed in the many deep windows in my home or snuggled on the fuzzy carpets throughout the house. She also would nap in my chair or on the couch. She would pat my face or nuzzle next to me in the mornings. Regardless of how hard my day and there were many, she would greet me at the door with her meows and nuzzles next to my leg.

Unfortunately, her cancer returned. And despite rounds of chemotherapy, the disease outpaced medical inventions. On 6/28/2023 I held her in my arms and comforted her, and she comforted me until she peacefully transitioned out of this world to the rainbow bridge.

Rest peacefully my beautiful girl, Niecy Marie!



In memory of my sister's beloved furpal, Delilah.



Duchess came into my life by chance… She was there for me every step of my thirties. Boyfriends and friends even passed through my life and she was still there. And I became a volunteer at King Street Cats because of her - I just fell in love with her and was interested in how she differed and was the same as other cats. I never imagined I would become a crazy cat lady, but I know wear that badge with honor. In the end, she was friendly to everyone - even small children, who she hated for most of her life. When it was time, she told me it was time. She spent most of her last few days in my lap. It was the worst moment of my life in some ways, but I have to say being able to hold her as she crossed the rainbow bridge was one of the most special moments of my life. I am forever thankful I was able to be there with her and comfort her in the end. She will always be a part of my life. Amanda B..



This is Duke Bepple, KSC rescue, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge at age 2.

Missed by all who knew him.




Eleanor was a furry, sweet, determined kitty who loved her Jessica and David very much. She enjoyed sleeping in the sun, playing with her companion Teddy, and cuddling with her people. She passed away suddenly and is greatly missed.



"Dearly beloved KSC alum Enzyme passed on January 12, 2021. She was a phenomenal cat, and I'm truly blessed to have been able to bring her back to health back in 2011 and 2012 and to have had her in my life."




Though she fought gallantly and sassily, Fitzy lost her battle with FeLV / lymphoma. I will be forever grateful to KSC for bringing that absolutely adorable kitty into my life, even though our time together was much, much too brief.



Some cats capture the hearts of all who come in contact with them. Flowers was one of those cats, and volunteers were always asking after her. She passed today after a brief and sudden illness. She and her companion, Julien, were beloved by volunteers from day one. Flowers melted hearts with her adorably sweet face, loving nature and incredibly playful spirit. She and Julien overcame numerous medical issues related to their tough start in a hoarding situation, and had finally found forever happiness with dad Steve. She spent glorious days playing, sunning, headbutting Dad and being a normal cat for the first time ever.

While her time was too short, she would tell everyone who loved her not to mourn, but to celebrate her life as she did -- by finding a springy toy and playing with it. Here's to you, beautiful little girl.



George (formerly Red Stripe)

While George had some special needs, it rarely slowed him down for long. Sadly, he was diagnosed with a very aggressive lymphoma. Although he received treatment, the cancer was too advanced. We miss him so incredibly much, as does his brother fried. Thank you, King Street Cats for almost nine years with our boy. He was our joy.



We adopted Gilligan (and his brother, Skipper) in 2007. We were blessed with 15 wonderful years with him, full of love, laughter, and lots of cattitude. Gilligan was full of personality, an amazing friend, and an important part of our family. He will forever remain in our hearts and will be missed tremendously. He and his brother taught us much more than we ever taught them, and we know they are happily play fighting and finding sunbeams together again over the rainbow bridge.

Thank you for bringing Gilligan (and his cat siblings) into our lives over the years.


Mr. Grey

I want to thank all of you for giving all my cats that have walked through the King Street Cats door a second chance to live. Grey was no different. When he came to you even back then he was not in good health. He spent a month in Hayfield and of course did not like being in the cage. :). I remember all the calls to come get him and boy I am so grateful he came back to me. For 4 wonderful years we loved one another to the very end. He will be missed so dearly by all...




This is Hall Webber Liu.

He spent 3 fun filled weeks with us until passing in June 2018. Hall was a goofy carefree little guy, outgoing and always down for a cuddle. He had so much to offer and left us way too soon. I only loved him a short time but will never forget this sweet baby and his happy purring.

As my foster he was meant to be up for adoption. But since he passed in my care he will now always be mine.

Be a good boy, Hall. I’ll pick you up at the bridge. — Foster parent Sarah



In loving memory of Hans.

Hans is survived by his parents, Brian and Heather, and his brother, Franz, who will love and miss him always.

“When the cat you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – Anonymous

Heidi and Loki


Heidi - my little angel, kitty soulmate, protector dumpling passed over the rainbow bridge early in the morning on February 8, 2023 at 13 years of age.

I was blessed to have her wobble into my life over 10 years ago when I met her while volunteering at KSC. I wasn’t looking to get a cat, but this sweet, endearing soul clutched her little paws around my heart and never let go. She never let her cerebellar hypoplasia and other health issues hold her back and embodied resilience and pure love. She had the sweetest personality intermixed with just the right amount of sass, loved to cuddle with me and her canine brother Loki, enjoyed traveling and exploring, and was beautiful inside and out.

My heart will be forever tethered to hers. To say that she is missed is an understatement.



I adopted Herman on 12/10/2014 from KSC. He passed away on 04/07/2017 at age 5. He was my first boy cat so I called him "my baby boy." He loved laying on his (dog) bed doing what I call the "sexy leg" pose (front paw stretched out). When he wasn't making full use of the dog bed he could be found on his "throne" (Pier One basket filled with 3 pillows) or at the balcony door being nosy (sorry - surveying his kingdom). When he wanted "alone time" away from Callie and I, he would retire to his "man cave" which consisted of 4 car tires stacked up in the corner of the living room. His grandmother made me decorate this "man cave" with some soft bedding - "so he would be comfortable." Grandma also sent Herman's Christmas gift via Priority Mail (mine was sent regular mail so you can see who the favorite one was).

Herman was well loved by all and had many "staff" tending to him. I will always love and miss him.



Our beautiful Holly passed away last week. She was a sweet, lovely girl with a chill personality. The first night we brought her home from the shelter, she decided it would be a good idea to sleep with us; a practice she continued every night. It was a perfect match for all! We planned on having many years with our Holly-dolly but cancer intervened and cut short our time with her. We couldn't have loved her more!


Indie Anna

Indie Anna

Much-loved Anna (or Indie Anna) passed over the Rainbow Bridge just shy of her 6th birthday. Even though her life was too short she was well loved and had a good and happy life. She loved snuggles, belly rubs, and crumbled up receipts. And she loved me.




Jacob had a difficult life for the first 8+ years of his life. Losing home after home, King Street Cats was always there to care for him. In June 2012, after losing at least 3 homes, Jacob went to his final home with a volunteer and lived happily with his mom, KSC/St. Croix feline brother Rudy and his sister Lucy. Jacob was incredibly unique with his floppy ear, deep blue soulful eyes, and he loved to hold people’s hands and pet their faces with his paw. Jacob loved everyone he met, and everyone loved Jacob. His passing on 4-3-17 was sudden and unexpected, but Jacob was very loved in his final years of life and will never be forgotten.



My beautiful Jada, who I called my little bitty girl, crossed the rainbow bridge on 9/29/18, one month past her 1st birthday. Jada had feline leukemia which meant she would have a short life. However I had hoped it would be longer than one year. Sadly, for kitties with leukemia treatment options are limited, so when Jada developed fluid in her chest that tested positive for lymphoma there was nothing that could be done for her.

I was very lucky to have had Jada in my life for 10 months. I still clearly remember the snowy day we picked her up at the shelter in Baltimore (thank you King Street Cats for bringing her into my life). She “chatted” with us the entire ride back to King Street Cats. Jada was my shadow. She would follow me all around the house and wanted to be part of everything I did. She even wanted to “help” when I worked from home. Jada loved other cats and became best friends with Princess Zinnia as soon as they met. They are now together again, running and playing, free of pain. Rest In Peace my sweet, crazy, little bitty girl. I miss you so much.



Jarvis was the sweet loving sibling of the two cats that Angela adopted over 17 years ago. He enjoyed a loving happy home with Angela and his sister Ursula starting in San Diego, CA then moving to Washington, DC. He was the steadfast companion that was there for Angela always happy to provide a snuggle. His happy place was near her, on her lap, or looking out the window. He will be dearly missed by Angela,her family and friends, and Ursula. Rest in peace sweet Jarvis.


Jim Gordon (formerly Jose)

Jim Gordon FNA as Jose, an FIV positive cat, passed away today (12/21/2020).
He developed an inoperable lung tumor.

Ju Sha

Ju Sha

Ju Sha was a beautiful tabby who was about 12 years old when she passed away. She lived with her best friend, Elizabeth Williams, for the last five years of her life. She lived in an apartment with Elizabeth in Arlington, VA, and then in a townhouse in Frisco, TX, with Elizabeth and her fiancé Jon.

Animal communicator Christina visited with Ju Sha many times during the last years of her life. When Elizabeth and Jon went on trips, Christina and Ju Sha traveled with Dancing Tiger to many exciting and fun places, including Hawaii, Machu Pichu, Greece, Scotland, Disneyland, and the North Pole. At the North Pole, Ju Sha got to meet Santa Cat Claws at his workshop. Ju Sha was asked to help Santa Cat Claws test cat gifts, and the ones Ju Sha liked the most were cat pod beds.

According to Elizabeth, no cat has ever been loved as much as her friend Ju Sha. Although she misses Ju Sha terribly, it gives Elizabeth some peace that Ju Sha is playing joyfully in a beautiful meadow awaiting the day when she and Elizabeth will live together forever.




Kaboodle was the perfect companion to her mom for almost 18 years. When she was 8 she welcomed her new dad to the family with open paws. Nothing made her happier than being with her people, and taking care of her family. She was the queen of her castle. We will remember her for her sweet snuggles and sassy attitude. She always brought warmth and happiness to our hearts.



Kirby was a unique cat, and true to his orange tabby nature, he was vocal, affectionate and not shy about demanding attention. Kirby never met a human he didn't like, and didn't understand the concept of personal boundaries, so anyone sitting down was fair game to act as his personal pillow (the more uncomfortable for the human, the better). I adopted Kirby on July 29, 2018, shortly after losing my beloved 17 year old cat, who had been with me since college. Kirby wasn't what I thought I wanted (a smaller and younger cat), but when I came to KSC he chose me and that was that. Clearly he knew better than I did.

Although I missed my previous cat terribly, Kirby was exactly what I needed and was beloved by everyone who met him. He loved to be "helpful," whether making the bed, sitting on my laptop, helping himself to french fries, working on art projects or getting me up in the morning. I had to say goodbye to him much too soon, not even a year after I got him, when the vet felt a mass and an ultrasound revealed multiple tumors throughout his abdomen. I wish he had been with me longer, but I'm so grateful to KSC for rescuing him and giving me the opportunity to have him in my life even for a short time.



Lady Bug

Lady Bug was rescued by KSC and surrounded by love for the short time she was with us.



Lama (formerly Chili) came to me shortly after I had just taken in a stray kitten. My friend had developed terrible asthma from being around him and had to rehome him, and even though I had just lost a beloved cat, and taken in a wild kitten, I couldn't turn him away. In his old home he was the alpha, routinely beating up the dogs, but when he came to me, Archie, the kitten, immediately asserted his dominance, and Chili would just stand back and let him. He'd wait patiently for Archie to finish eating (Archie wouldn't let him have either bowl!) and then eat what was left. He was such a gentle, wise soul that I renamed him Lama, since he seemed kind of Buddha-like.

We spent ten more years together until lymphoma took him at age 18.



Leo was rescued by KSC and spent his retirement in a loving foster home with volunteer Elie K., where they received much love. They are sadly missed.



Lita passed too soon in July 2014. She is survived by her loving and heartbroken parents, Amy and Bryan, of Alexandria. Grandparents, Charlie and Dale Inlander, of Allentown, PA and Mark and Linda Minniti, of York, PA. She had no pet siblings or pet friends (her choice) but many, many loving and caring human friends throughout the world.



Dear Loki was adopted the weekend of the famous Derecho in Alexandria in 2012. He lived a wonderful life in Old Town and was much loved by his forever family. He was the sweetest boy to the very end and will be missed by all who knew him.



"Sweet Louie. You were the most exceptional companion, confidant, and friend. I’ll never forget the moment you sat down on my lap in the shelter and began purring with content. That was the beginning of an unbreakable bond that will withstand the test of time."

Read Louie's Full Obituary

Sweet Louie. You were the most exceptional companion, confidant, and friend. I’ll never forget the moment you sat down on my lap in the shelter and began purring with content. That was the beginning of an unbreakable bond that will withstand the test of time.

You were a cat who loved me unconditionally, and who I loved unconditionally. Through your grace, warmth, and love, you helped me overcome some of the greatest challenges I’ve ever faced. I’ll always be grateful to you for that.

Those who knew you knew that laughter, joy, and sense of calm and tranquility radiated every room you entered. Your ineffable character brought so much comfort to all who knew you. No cat was more welcoming and social than you.

Your soft manner and nature was also complimented by your toughness and fortitude. Your path in life that brought you to me was fraught with adversity, which you handled like a champ. I hope that once the universe brought us together you only knew peace, love, and stability. Loving you and caring for you was the honor and privilege of my life.

There will never be another Louie. You were more than a cat. You were a best friend, a son, a jester, a therapist, a glimmer of hope in a difficult world, and so much more.

Losing you feels like I’m losing a piece of myself. The walls of our home that were once filled with your transcendent presence feel hollow and unsightly. Still, I feel your spirit with us and am comforted by the thought of you existing in a better place.

I’ll carry your memory with me and honor it every day for the rest of my life. I feel eternally grateful to the universe for bringing us together. Rest easy, my sweet Lou. I’ll see you on the other side.

Eric and Beth



We adopted Lynx (Milo at the time) and his soul brother Bear from KSC in March 2013 just shy of their first birthdays. Bear greeted us at KSC’s front door, and Lynx tapped my husband on the shoulder when he walked by Lynx’s perch. We were meant to be together. Lynx was the silliest, sweetest and most loving cat I’ve ever known. He adored being cuddled, happily bestowed kisses and would demand praise for his mighty skills hunting toys. He never met a snack he wouldn’t try and adored breakfast food (biscuits, waffles, pancakes, croissants), sushi and his specially made Lynx-burgers. He also had a mischievous obsession with chewing plastic. His sudden passing from cancer was a terrible shock, and one more glorious light extinguished in this time of darkness.


Gordon & Mae

Madeline and Amelia

Madeline and Amelia were adopted from KSC in 2005.
The devoted sisters passed within months of each other in 2014.
Together forever.



KSC alumni Max was a fixture on Mt. Vernon ave in the Del Ray neighborhood. For close to 10 years he was the shop ambassador at Eclectic Nature then Greenstreet Gardens of Del Ray, establishing a fan base that extended beyond the local neighborhoods of Alexandria.

Max spent his retirement living in Ohio with former shop manager, Susan. After developing failure with his kidneys the decision was made to send him to the bridge where he awaits to greet everyone with a purr or headbutt just like always.



Memphis has definitely left a huge hole in our hearts. We loved him deeply and he was part of our family. He was such a sweet, gentle boy and deserved all the happiness and love. We are so thankful to KSC for bringing him into our lives.

Mighty Mo

Mighty Mo

In Loving Memory of Mighty Mo.

She will be missed by her mom and the chipmunks she liked to chase out of her yard.



Missy (AKA Miss Longbottom) passed away on September 3, 2023. KSC rescued her and its volunteers and foster guardians took incredible care of her. We adopted her in January of 2017. Missy was a very special cat. She was smart, did things her own way, and made us laugh. We loved her and she loved us. We miss her very much but are so grateful that we got to spend nearly 7 wonderful years with her.

Mr. Orange

Mr. Orange

Mr. Orange, formerly Lew, was adopted in August 2017 and sadly passed January 24th, 2020. He couldn't have been a more perfect cat. We remember seeing him for the first time on top of the purple house at King Street Cats and we fell in love. His mellowness, sensitivity, and gratefulness could be felt by any who met him. He was the calm in our house (our cool dude), where we have two other female cats ( one of which was adopted with Mr. Orange and is a diva). He became a father like figure to a kitten we took in that was abandoned in our apartment complex.

Mr. Orange provided constant love, companionship, and warmth to us and anyone who took the time to get to know him. His sudden passing is a terrible shock that will never be forgotten, but we are blessed with countless memories of our precious Mr. Orange. He lives in us forever. We love and miss you, buddy. We will see you on the other side.



Misty and her toy companion were rescued by KSC from a shelter at the age of 15. Misty lived out her retirement with KSC foster mom Elie K., who showed her all the love and kindness she deserved. Our sweet girl will be sadly missed.



Monroe had a large fan base, of whom he tolerated most and adored many. He especially loved his best friends, who were such excellent caregivers throughout his 17 years of life. He passed away in May 2016, leaving a terrific Monroe-sized hole in his wake.


Mozart (aka Lennon)

Dear Mozart came home with me two days after Christmas last year, and he was a joy in my life. Despite his young age, he crossed over in early April due to a genetic heart disorder. However, while Mozart was alive, he truly lived! He packed more into each 24 hours than some of us do in days or weeks. What a force to be reckoned with! Dear Mozart will live on in my memories and smiles for years to come.

A special thanks to King Street Cats (especially Vivian & Patti) for bringing Mozart into my life and heart - and for their ongoing support through his health issues.


Mr. T

"Mr. T came into my life in March 2013 as a long term foster. He lived happily as a part of our family for 4.5 years. He was quirky and unlike any other cat I have known. He was a big cat, but extremely gentle and very stealthy (while trying to sneak his feline brother's kibbles and searching for other goodies). He loved to lounge and while he was not a lap cat, he could always be found nearby. He loved chin scratches and being brushed.

Mr. T crossed the rainbow bridge September 25, 2017. His passing was sudden and unexpected. We miss him every day."

Murray Murray

"Murdock David (Murray) was our sweet grandkitty who passed away much too soon.  He was fostered by the wonderful Patti Gross, and beloved by his mommy and daddy, Emily and David.  Murray was full of personality:  adventurous, curious, and hilarious.  He was an affectionate boy who loved everyone, but especially his mommy and daddy.  He brought a lot of joy, and will never be forgotten." 




On March 11, 2020 I had to say goodbye to my beautiful Nai. He was a sweet companion for 13 years and left my arms that afternoon to cross Rainbow Bridge. My heart is broken and I miss his purring and loving cuddles. R.I.P. my sweet boy. I love you.



Dear Newman passed away in October 2024 at the age of 21.
He was much loved and will be missed very much by his family.



Nigel (formerly Dakota) and I didn't have nearly enough time together. I only had this dignified little gentleman for about seven months before he passed away. But in that time, he really stole my heart. I will always remember him fondly, and I am grateful to King Street Cats for bringing him into my life. I hope he and I meet again someday.



We honor the life of our elder statesman NORI. He went to the Rainbow Bridge peacefully and surrounded by some of his favorite friends, human and feline.

He oversaw the goings-on at King Street Cats for nearly 7 years, after having spent the first half of his life as a community cat. In his time with us he cheerfully watched hundreds of cats and kittens choose their families. We were fortunate he chose to make King Street Cats his forever home.

While we will miss his quiet dignity and beautiful heart, we are comforted knowing he is watching over us still...and enjoying an endless supply of Temptation Treats.



It was with a heavy heart that King Street Cats said goodbye to our permanent resident, Nala, on November 23, 2010. Nala was 16 years old and came to King Street Cats in March 2006 after running out of time at a local shelter. We tried to adopt her to wonderful homes three different times, but Nala did everything possible to come back. Nala truly loved living at King Street Cats surrounded by her feline friends. Many kittens cuddled with Nala and enjoyed her motherly warmth. She was also firm and would set cats straight who wanted to rumble. Although Nala was frequently called "The Diva of the cat room", she ruled her kingdom with a soft paw and big heart. Nala was diagnosed with breast cancer in mid-2009, though it was other medical complications that took her life. There will never be another Nala, and while she is gone…she will never be forgotten ;




It is with very heavy hearts that we said goodbye to Odie. He passed shortly after finding his forever home. He was not with us long but became a firm favorite with our volunteers and will not soon be forgotten.



Oh Ollie….no one was a better nurse or companion for my mom than you were. You kept her company, made her smile, and gave her someone to look after and fuss over. You go now…find your sweet buddy, Chester, find my mom and give them both our love. If a cat can be one helluva strong woman, you were. I will miss you.

---Eunice and Meg


Otis was adopted with his feline sister Koko Taylor in 2012. He passed way too young in 2014 and is sadly missed by his mom and dad Dawn and Todd.




Patches passed in October 2014.
She is sadly missed by her feline brother Oatmeal and mom Julie L.


Patches Germany

Patches Germany earned his wings on June, 26, 2015. When his parents visited King Street Cats for the very first time in 2011, Patches crawled in his papa's lap and purred the entire time. Patches knew that this was going to be his family. Patches was soon joined by his littermate, Jasmine and his KSC friends Rexy, Bert, and Ernie (and their puppy Violet). Patches loved belly scratches, cat nip, playing with water from the faucet, climbing in boxes, and sitting in his papa's lap for hours and hours. His sweet soul is dearly missed by his family of cats, humans, and dog.



PC was rescued by KSC and spent his retirement in a loving foster home with volunteer Elie K., where they received much love. They are sadly missed.



Pretty girl Pink passed over the Rainbow Bridge right before Christmas - she was a long time companion of Oliver who was adopted from KSC. While they were not cuddly friends her passing has left a void in Oliver's life and he is mourning her sudden passing.



Pretzels, aka Little P., Mr. Kitten Man, Little Manlette, and Pretzels Burrito, passed away June 12, 2017. She was dearly beloved by my friend Cameron.

PM Vindaloo

Prime Minister Vindaloo

Prime Minister Vindaloo (formerly Caramel Cream) died unexpectedly on Friday (5/11/18). We only had three years together but he was the happiest most well-loved former street kitty ever. Thank you so much for bringing him into my life. - Samantha




On February 13, 2017, my dear sweet Reeves crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Reeves couldn't walk, but he found ways to get around, though being picked up and held was one of his favorite things. His chest muscles had stopped working resulting in difficulty breathing and also had developed heart problems. We had just lost his best friend Ash 3 weeks earlier and Reeves missed him terribly. I like to think these two incredibly special souls are together again, finally running free from the pain they each suffered at the hands of abusers.



It is with a very heavy heart that we write to you today to let you know that yesterday we had to say goodbye to our dear cat, Rigby. The hospital doesn't feel the same without him, and he will be sorely missed by those who knew him. Please give your fur babies extra love today; as many of you surely know, you never know how much time you have left together.
~ The Fort Hunt Animal Hospital Team

Robin at home


KSC alum Rocky passed of cancer in 2015. He is very much missed by his feline sister Nala and his mom Judy S.




Sabrina - looked after for many years by a wonderful foster mom - crossed the rainbow bridge August 2021.



Scrappy passed away early in the morning on Apr 12, 2017. We had the joy to foster Scrappy for the last six months of his life. He was a precious, sweet, and always gave unconditional love. We must thank KSC for supporting sweet Scrappy through all his ups and downs.

RIP Scrappy and thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness in our lives. You will be in our hearts forever.



Scrappypants (née Scrappy or Scrapster to his KSC friends) was my long-term KSC foster, dear friend, and roommate of nearly 10 years. He saw me through law school and more recently, kept me on task working from home by sleeping on my foot. He was handsome and feisty 'til the end - a chaser of lasers, sharer of Greek yogurt, and drinker of water from my paint brush cups (nontoxic paint).

Scrappypants will have a place in my heart forever, and I am so thankful to KSC for bringing him into my life. I miss him so much. I buried his remains at the base of a tree that he enjoyed watching from our living room window. 

RIP Scrappypants. 4/9/04 - 7/20/20



Rest in peace sweet Scruffy.
Gone but not forgotten by your family at KSC.



"My sweet Sherlock (or Hobo as he was known when he was with King Street Cats) was a truly special guy. He was unlike any cat I have ever met. Much like his namesake, Sherlock was incredibly curious and a bit of rascal, always finding new trouble to get into around the house. He was also incredibly loving and devoted and would happily follow me around. He even met me at the door very night so he could excitedly roll over for a tummy rub. Sherlock made friends with everyone he met, and although he was taken way too soon by FIP, he will never be forgotten and will always be in my heart."



Sierra was rescued by KSC and spent her retirement in a loving foster home with volunteer Elie K., where they received much love. They are sadly missed.



We adopted Skipper and his brother, Gilligan, in 2007 shortly after our wedding and they were our first children. Skipper was always the shy one of the two (he had to be pulled out from under a duct when we first met him at King Street Cats and then spent his first week with us hiding in our shower!), but he was a complete and total lovebug once he realized he was safe and at home.

Skipper brought so much love, laughter, and snuggles to our life. We were very sad to lose him earlier this summer in 2019 after a tough fight with lymphoma. We all (including Gilligan and his younger human siblings, Lizzie and Abby) miss him very much.



It was with very heavy hearts that we said goodbye to dear Squeaky. He spent his final months in a KSC foster home where he was showered with love and affection, and will be sadly missed by all his friends at KSC.



Starry passed away from heart failure at her foster home after being diagnosed with juvenile heart failure.

We thank all the volunteers for taking care of and loving this little girl. And many thanks especially to her foster mom for giving Starry a loving home in which to spend her final days.


Stormy Lindblom

Stormy (2012-2023) passed away peacefully on Tuesday Sept. 12 surrounded by his loving family. He was adopted from KSC in 2014 and was instantly a cherished member of his home and has left a large, Stormy-sized space in our daily lives.

His last hours were spent on a sunny warm afternoon gulping down whipped cream and falling asleep on his mommy’s lap (picture)

He was given a place of honor to rest in our family garden among robust catnip plants.

Thank you, KSC, for rescuing this singular man.


Sushi & John Boy

Sushi and John Boy were also Unique shop cats. John Boy passed in 2010 and Sushi in 2014. Both were cared for by Cindy Collegeman who was with Unique for over 30 years. These BFFs are now together Forever.




Teddy was an amazing cat and the ultimate “manny”.  He helped his person, Linda, nurse many, many baby kittens (including bottle feeding!) over the years.  Teddy was so gentle with these little babes.  He let them suck on his fur (thinking he was a “momma” cat), and they would sleep and cuddle with Teddy.  And Teddy was extremely patient as these wee ones became rambunctious kittens and wanted to play.  He was a great partner with Linda and together they enabled the survival of many babies that wouldn’t have made it without this amazing team.  Good night sweet Teddy and thanks for taking such great care of so many kittens over the years… and taking great care of Linda.  You will be greatly missed!



Gorgeous boy Thunder passed away from several health issues

~Laura H.


Tiger King

Tiger King, who was just named Tiger when I adopted him from you a little over 12 years ago, died yesterday. He had lymphoma and had survived with the disease for 4 years. I believe he contracted it after he snuck out and was lost in the neighborhood for 6 weeks and was probably exposed to a lot of weed killers.

I know that there are many cats named Tiger but this Tiger was on a magazine cover which you posted in a frame at your facility then still on King Street. He had such beautiful eyes. Also he was the cat who lived for several months in the ceiling at Old Town Vet after he was rescued and before he came to you. After I brough him home he managed to get under the ceiling tiles in my basement. After I got him out and plugged up the ceiling he lived on the top shelf of the bookcase in my basement office for several weeks.

He was a very smart cat but it took him a long time to teach me his language. He was also a polite cat and would request permission to jump up on the dryer. The loved to be brushed and combed on the dryer when it was going or just nap while it vibrated and warmed him. Being wiped off with a warm wet cloth was also one of his favorite things. He had an excellent sense of time and even knew when I had to get up earlier than usual. He also knew where my aches and pains were worst and would lay on those spot if possible. He sat on every lap of any visitor to my sofa making him a very popular cat. He did not like my talking on the phone for a long time or spending to much time at the table talking to friends. He wanted the conversation to move to the sofa where he could find a lap.

Tiger King, though very,very thin, was still running up and down stair until the day before he died when everything just gave out. Tiger King is buried in my back yard under a bird feeder.



Cats can be great pals and I will sorely miss Tuli. I brought him home from King Street Cats, where I volunteer, nine years ago, when he was about a year old.  He was one sweet, gentle soul. He had little interest in chasing and roughhousing with my other two guys. Like most cats, Tuli had his routine, which I got to know quite well. He would usually be found quietly sleeping in his favorite chair while the other two tore around the house. But when sitting at the kitchen table I could be confident that, if I reached my hand down without looking, Tuli would be there looking, but for a handout, but for a touch. I still reach my and down but Tuli will never be there again.
I've had four dogs and nine cats in my adult life, each one a distinct individual with a unique personality. Now I'm left with two wonderful little pals. I expect that will be it for the remainder of my life.



Tuxie a brave little soldier - now happily reunited with his buddy Pringle.

Tuxie Morrison-Ricordati

Tuxie Morrison-Ricordati

In 2005, Tuxie was an approximately 5 y.o. tuxedo cat that “was not making friends” at the shelter when he attempted a mad dash into the carrier intended for another tuxedo named Baby. Thwarted and in defeat, Tuxie draped both paws on the KSC volunteer’s leg who softly stroked Tuxie’s head and said “not today, Tuxie.” A week later, Tuxie saw Baby again at his new forever home.

In Alexandria, Tuxie spent time chasing laser pointers, irritating the dog next door, and looking forward to Ray’s visits. Never one for silence or conventions (Tuxie’s favorite restroom was the kitchen sink), Tuxie greeted many neighbors during his condo hallway walks. Tuxie’s personality was so big and so charming, that even the sink seemed but a minor inconvenience (and a habit he exchanged for a personal Cat Genie when Tuxie’s guardian married Ray and all moved to Chicago). 

Tuxie loved catnip (but only inside a sock-toy, never loose), Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos, and being king of the cats. Tuxie was so self-assured in his role as king, he even tolerated the occasional rescue kitten fosters, usually because he was sneaking bites of their delicious (and super fatty) pate.* Tuxie loved meeting new people--except at the vet’s office, where Tuxie transformed from a head-butting purr machine to a ferocious feral (sorry Dr. G). But he instantly melted back into a furry love ball as soon as he knew it was time to go home. Tuxie loved us all, but really loved Ray, with whom he sat for countless movies and late-night video games. Tuxie was the rock through tragedy (he never shied away from sadness), a soft, furry tummy to pet on a bad day, and a constant companion in good times.

Tuxie passed in his sleep on June 3, 2020. He is pre-deceased by Baby and survived by housemates Caterpillar and Freddy, along with his humans, Anna, Ray and Jasper. Tuxie was, and will forever be, loved.

(*) Although Tuxie’s human guardian did not meet Tuxie as a kitten, she knows he must have been an insatiable, black-bean toed ball of claws and fluff, and the most unbearably cute kitten there ever was.




Umbro when my daughter (now 30) got her in 3rd grade in 1994. We had Umbro for 21 ½ years. She died peacefully next to me at home last Sunday. She was an affectionate kitty who slept on my pillow every night.


Vic & Vera

Vic & Vera

Siblings Vic and Vera were adopted at KSC in January, 2008 when they were 22 months old. We lost Vic in October of '22 after years of treatment for cardiomyopathy. Vera succumbed to cancer in November, 2023. Both were loving companions. Constantly by our side or on our laps.



Vixen was adopted from King Street Cats about 10 years ago. She was one of the cats from the Virgin Island. She was my mom's cat from when my mom was about 88 to 97 years of age. You couldn't ask for a better friend. Vixen got more complements on how pretty she was than any cat I have known. I worried about having a cat around an older parent, but Vixens seemed to know just what to do. She always made my mom laugh with her mischievous ways. She was my mom's best friend.




Westley "Godzilla" Collins crossed the Bridge on September 11, 2024, after a brave battle with cancer. He is fondly remembered as a snuggly bed warmer and also as a vocal house monster who could not tolerate items kept on kitchen countertops when those items clearly belonged on the floor. He loved people, especially when he got pets from them, and relished a good grooming with his favorite wire brush. His diesel-engine purr was legendary.

Westley's many toys and accessories will be gifted to his neighbor's niece, who recently rescued a fabulous, floof of a cat named Banjo through Mount Purrnon Cat Cafe. Westley's leftover food, litter, and supplies will be donated to his loving fosters at KSC. His grieving person looks forward to her next adoption of her next senior cat from KSC in 2025.



Winston had diabetes for a long time and finally had a cascading series of heart troubles, asthma and a mass on his liver. We had to let him go last Tuesday the 28th of February…he and his brother had been abused prior to your shelter and it took Winston quite a long time to gain trust in us. But he did and had many good years. We have thanked you many times over the years, we thank you again for the work you do.




Zinnia, who I called Princess, crossed the rainbow bridge 6/12/18. When Zinnia was diagnosed with feline leukemia I offered to foster her as one of my cats also has leukemia. I wanted this sweet girl to be able to run around and play with other cats, not be stuck alone in a cage for whatever time she had.

She was such a special girl. She was a tiny little thing when she first came home with me and celebrated her 1st birthday with us on 5/18/18. Princess Zinnia loved the other kitties in the house and quickly became BFFs with one of them. When another kitten with feline leukemia came to live with us, Princess Zinnia loved her immediately.

I knew when I brought Princess Zinnia home that her life would be short. Average lifespan for a cat with feline leukemia is 2-3 years. I truly believed my Princess would defy the odds and be with me much longer. Rest In Peace my sweet Princess.


My Forever Friend

I know that it must be different,
now that I am no longer here.
I realize how much I was loved
and how all of you did care.

I know it will be hard at first
when you look around for me.
Expecting to find me in your bed,
or beside you by your feet.

Someday you will begin to see,
although it'll take some time,
the happy times you shared with me,
the memories are yours and mine.

I'll remember you, my family,
and how much you meant to me.
So please don't grieve and don't be
sad, it was just my time to leave.

The Cat