Domestic Short Hair (medium coat) : : Female : : Young
CURRENTLY IN FOSTER My name is Windy. I am petite young girl with beautiful gray and white longish fur. My fur is super soft and my tail is amazing like a giant feather duster so maybe I can help you keep your baseboards clean as I run around. I am super friendly, super cuddly and super cute. I like to play with my litter mates and chase balls around the house. I also like to cuddle with my foster mom and will purr up a storm. My foster mom likes to hold me on my back just like a baby. Like any girl I enjoyed the mani / pedi nail trim and spa bath my foster mom gave me (see the picture where I’m all snuggled in the towel after my bath). I’d love to go to a friendly home with other cats or with my sibling Sharona or my friend Clark. If you would like to meet me or any of my siblings or friends please email contact@kingstreetcats.org. More about WindyGood with Dogs, Good with Kids, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Playful, Affectionate |